Information for the last day


Information for the last day

Some helpful information for your last conference day:

The lecture hall for paper session 9 has been changed and is now D10a.

You can take your luggage to the university with you if you need to. More information about this in our program leaflet. For information about how to get to the airport and other travelling things, please take a look at our website at and the info in the program leaflet.

If you didn’t take your poster with you after the poster session, you can get it from the conference info desk today.

The photos taken by our photographers will be shared online in our social media after the conference.

Some changes to paper session 12: unfortunately the paper of Gül Yücel has been cancelled from paper session 12.

And if you’re wondering why we don’t have a session 13 in the program at all, it’s because the number 13 means bad luck in Finland. 😉